PDPM: 5 common myths debunked

Ken BellClient News2 Comments


On Feb. 19, 2019, SimpleLTC and Patient Pattern offered one of our most anticipated and highest attended webinars to date: “It takes a village: The team approach to PDPM preparation”. (Watch it on demand here.) During the webinar, our experts explained the importance of a strategic team approach to PDPM and … Read More

PDPM: 4 simple steps to optimal coding

Corey PauleyClient News, Skilled Nursing2 Comments


Accurate coding has always been a key foundation for maximizing reimbursement. Success under PDPM will require more than just accuracy, however. To achieve long-term PDPM success, you’ll need to implement some essential PDPM coding practices at your facility. Want to optimize your coding practices before PDPM becomes a reality on … Read More