Simple works closely with Texas Health & Human Services (HHSC) and the Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) to ensure that SimpleCFS™ fully supports Texas Medicaid PASRR and LTCMI processes. On this page you’ll find resources covering Texas Medicaid, PASRR/LTCMI, and SimpleCFS™ to help you simplify your Texas Medicaid compliance.
SimpleCFS™ product training
SEP 21, 2023
Intro to New LTCMI/MDS Workflow in SimpleCFS™
Download handouts
Using the NFSS form in SimpleCFS™
Using SimpleCFS™, Texas SNFs can create and submit Nursing Facility Specialized Services (NFSS) forms for authorization by Health and Human Services (HHSC) Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) PASRR Unit. Here’s how.
Webinars from Texas HHSC and Simple
Texas PASRR Technical Assistance Calls (PTACs) with Texas HHSC
Texas Health and Human Services (HHSC) regularly provides training webinars for Texas skilled nursing facilities. Simple works closely with HHSC to help distribute this important information to Texas providers.

DEC 7, 2023