Tips for the PBJ pro — Get ready for the Nov. 14 deadline!

Jenn FeigeClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

COVID-19 has dominated the news — and the senior care industry. Over the past few months, CMS has issued waivers, updated waivers, and repealed waivers. Amidst this COVID chaos is confusion over what PBJ Staffing data is currently posted on Nursing Home Compare. Is it Q1?…Q2? When do you see … Read More

CMS UPDATE: Q2 2020 optional PBJ data due November 14

Jenn FeigeClient News, Skilled Nursing1 Comment

CMS has announced that Q2 2020 data (January 1 – March 31) is due no later than November 14. The alert was posted on the CMS PBJ portal and reads: New Q2 Deadline: CMS has established November 14, 2020 as the new deadline for the Q2 2020 data. Historically, Q2 … Read More

Tips for the PBJ pro: PBJ reporting is back on track

Jenn FeigeClient NewsLeave a Comment

After a bumpy three-month ride, PBJ reporting is back on track for the quarter. In late March, CMS issued a staffing data submission waiver due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. On June 25, that waiver ended – which means PBJ reporting requirements for the quarter are back in effect. … Read More