SimpleLTC has received new details from CMS regarding its recent PBJ reporting waiver. The original PBJ reporting waiver (issued two weeks ago) stated that nursing facilities do not have to submit Q1 (Jan. 1–Mar. 31) data by May 15.
We reached out to CMS for additional clarification, which CMS provided on Apr. 20. Here’s what we now know:
- Facilities WILL need to submit their PBJ data for Jan. 1–Mar. 31.
- May 15 is NOT the submission deadline for this data.
- The new submission deadline has not yet been announced. (Note that this differs from an earlier CMS statement reporting the deadline for the data as Aug. 14.)
What does this mean?
Do I have to submit PBJ Reporting data for the Jan. 1–Mar. 31 quarter by May 15? No — the May 15 submission deadline has been waived.
Will I have to submit PBJ Reporting data for the Jan. 1–Mar. 31 quarter at a later date? Yes — although CMS has not announced that new submission date.
What don't we know yet?
There are several outstanding questions that CMS has yet to answer:
- When is the new PBJ deadline for submitting Jan. 1–Mar. 31 data?
- Will CMS use the data submitted for the quarter’s Five-Star Staffing calculation?
- Where can I find the updated CMS guidance on the PBJ waiver?
CMS tells us they are working on publishing this additional PBJ waiver guidance and will provide further information when it’s available.
So, should I work on PBJ now or wait?
Bottom line: Your PBJ data for Jan. 1–Mar 31 WILL be due eventually. So while it’s up to you, our recommendation is to continue uploading your PBJ data.
- Many customers told us they were going to submit regardless of the waiver so what is recorded by CMS accurately reflects their quarterly staffing levels.
- Remember, you can use ezPBJ’s Five-Star forecaster to track your expected Five-Star rating – even without submitting to CMS.
- ezPBJ support is working and available to assist – whether you choose to submit today, next month, or some point down the road.