On Oct. 1, 2018, CMS will implement the SNF Value-Based Purchasing Program (SNF VBP) as mandated by the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA). Per the new statute, 2% of every SNF’s Medicare payments will be withheld to fund incentive payments. Incentive payments will be based on a comparison of SNF hospital readmission rates between the base year of 2015 and the hospital readmission rates for the current year 2017.
Based on a comparison of the readmission rates for a particular SNF, CMS will determine an achievement score and an improvement score comparing the 2015 to the 2017 readmission rates. The higher of the two scores will be used to determine the amount of the incentive payments funneled back to the SNF. The SNF industry has already seen a decrease in hospital readmissions over the past several years and with a continued focus on this issue this trend should continue.
Watch this free on-demand webinar to learn the details of the new SNF VBP Program.
[On-demand webinar] SNF VBP and Readmission Rates:
What does this mean for me?
Ron Orth, RN, CMAC, NHA
Senior Analyst, SNF Regulations and Clinical Reimbursement, Relias Learning
What you’ll learn
- The regulatory requirements related to the SNF VBP
- The difference between the improvement score and the achievement score and how they are determined
- The components of the SNF readmission measure utilized in the SNF VBP program
About our speaker

Webinar sponsors
This webinar is presented free of charge to all long-term care providers, courtesy of Texas Medicaid Coalition and SimpleLTC. The content will not be state-specific, and is applicable to all SNFs and personnel responsible for MDS accuracy and compliance.

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4 Comments on “[On-demand webinar] SNF Value-Based Purchasing and Readmission Rates”
are non critical access hospital swing beds affected by this as well?
Hi Robin: According to the CMS Proposed Rule: “The SNF VBP Program applies to freestanding SNFs, SNFs affiliated with acute care facilities, and all non-CAH swing-bed rural hospitals.”
Is there a link to the document that specifies the exact performance score calculations shown on the slides, page 16?
Hi Randy — The information can be found in the FY2017 Final rule, page 52001: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-08-05/pdf/2016-18113.pdf.