Toolkit on state actions to mitigate COVID-19 prevalence in nursing homes – version 2

Mary MadisonClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

Version 2 of CMS’ Toolkit on State Actions to Mitigate COVID-19 Prevalence in Nursing Homes is now available.  “The toolkit compiles best practices, resources and strategies to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes. Protecting this vulnerable population is critical and now, Governors, state health departments, long-term care facilities and healthcare providers can reference this resource to benefit the millions of Medicare beneficiaries and families they serve each day.

The innovative solutions included in the toolkit were scouted and sourced by Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organizations (QIN-QIOs) and their partners, serving every state and territory in the country. Frequent updates are planned as long as they are needed.” (This is an update from the original version.)

The Disclaimer inside the 109-page document provides this additional introduction:

“This document is a compilation of actions employed by organizations, including state governments, in the United States and outlying territories to assist nursing homes in meeting the needs of nursing home residents since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic recognized in early 2020.

The actions were collected by the contractors of the QIO Program, a statutorily mandated program of quality improvement contractors who work for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to improve the care of Medicare beneficiaries, including beneficiaries who reside in nursing homes. By law, a QIO works in every state and territory.

This information was collected by the QIOs in late April 2020, and compiled by CMS and its contractors to provide a rapid-access compendium for providers and administrators of nursing homes in the United States to learn from the many creative plans that state governments and other entities have put into operation in a short period of time.

This compendium is not intended as guidance from CMS. It does not replace or serve as a substitute for CMS requirements and policy. The actions outlined in this document have not been evaluated for effectiveness by CMS or any government agency. This compendium is solely an informational product offered by CMS to nursing homes as well as state and local officials during the National Public Health Emergency.

Version 2 Table of Contents:

The original toolkit was released on May 13, 2020 and is 74 pages in length.

I’m still working my way through this second version.  In comparing the TOC between the 2 versions, I note the addition of the National Guard on page 103 beneath organizations available to assist nursing homes as well as 34 more pages.

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