Getting the most out of Simple’s Function Scores report

Ken BellClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

The SimpleLTC Function Scores report utilizes machine learning algorithms to provide insight into residents’ admission, expected, and discharge scores within minutes of MDS transmission. This allows caregivers to plan for success by comparing actual performance against expected goals and identifying gaps in care, based on past performance.

Get the most out of the Function Scores report by following the guidelines below...


Success will be defined differently for every resident stay and each stakeholder involved.  For example, a resident and his/her family will have an expectation of safe and timely discharge, while the business office will expect an efficient utilization of resources, and finally, CMS will expect you to meet their overall discharge score. Use the Function Scores report to identify these expected outcomes automatically from the 5-day submission.


Once the success criteria are defined, caregivers should collaborate to develop a plan to achieve a successful outcome. Often, it is difficult to get caregivers on the same page with so many moving parts requiring alignment; but SimpleLTC’s Function Scores report has all the data in one place.


Leverage the Function Scores report as an authoritative resource to not only identify low-performing facilities within an organization and specific resident performance but also can help determine the root cause of unsuccessful discharge trends. 

The Function Scores report is a valuable addition to SimpleLTC’s  MDS analytics. Using the Function Scores report daily, and keeping track of facility performance over time,  skilled nursing providers now have real-time insight for proactively impacting patient satisfaction, safe transitions, and quality metrics.

See for yourself how SimpleLTC can help improve functional outcomes

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