On January 4, 2021, CMS issued a revised QSO-20-31-All ... Revised COVID-19 Survey Activities, CARES Act Funding, Enhanced Enforcement for Infection Control deficiencies, and Quality Improvement Activities in Nursing Homes.
The Memorandum Summary shows these overall updates (note the verbiage in red) to this now 29-page QSO:

The updates are identified in red font in the QSO beginning on page 3. The QSO also identifies the documents added to the Survey Resources folder and the Revision History for LTC Survey Process Documents and Files posted that same day. Note the significant red ink on that page including items #2 and #3:

The following chart is found on page 18 of the QSO. The remaining pages of the QSO, starting on page 19, display the waived language for the tags that are partially waived.