New codes for COVID-19

Lisa Selman-HolmanClient NewsLeave a Comment

In an unprecedented move, the CDC has approved new codes for COVID-19 effective with dates of stay January 1, 2021 or later. Code changes are reserved for October 1 each year with April 1 as a date for emergency changes. April 1, 2020 was the effective date for the U07.1 … Read More

YES! COVID-19 can be coded based on a positive lab result

Lisa Selman-HolmanClient NewsLeave a Comment

Lots of folks are making statements about physician documentation linking positive test results and not being able to code based on lab results. When coding COVID 19, there are exceptions in both cases. COVID 19 guidelines Code only confirmed cases. Code only a confirmed diagnosis of the 2019 novel coronavirus … Read More

New code for COVID-19 effective April 1

Lisa Selman-HolmanClient News, Skilled NursingLeave a Comment

The new code for COVID-19, U07.1, is one of two new codes that will be added to the code set effective April 1, 2020. New codes are usually effective on October 1, except in the case of emergency, so we will have two codes in the new U chapter, one … Read More