SimpleLTC customers are not affected by CMS security change

Jason JonesCompanyLeave a Comment

CMS security change

In a Feb. 1 notice to long-term care providers, CMS alerted all CMSNet (Verizon VPN) users to an upcoming “major change” to security that will affect the way providers manage their data and reports while transmitting MDS 3.0 assessments and accessing CASPER reports.

The change, scheduled for Mar. 29, is designed to improve the security of the VPN while users are connected, but will significantly limit the ability of MDS nurses and staff to manage their MDS files, reports and printing tasks while connected.In short, the security change will prevent users from accessing any network resources — including printers, hard drives, the Internet, or any device not connected to the local machine — while connected to CMSNet.

SimpleLTC customers who utilize SimpleMDS™ will not be affected by this CMS security change.

Why? SimpleMDS™, which automates MDS transmission, quality measurement and CASPER report access for more than 1,600 providers, eliminates the need for a VPN connection to CMS. Instead, SimpleMDS connects automatically to CMS to transmit MDS assessments, eliminating upload delays and helping users achieve accurate reimbursement.

For CMSNet users, QTSO has published a “Network Work-Around” document that explains options for accessing MDS files, reports and other network resources, which users will be required to do either before or after connecting to CMSNet.

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