ezPBJ releases Payroll-Based Journal Audit Manager

Ken BellSkilled NursingLeave a Comment

Prepare your response to a potential PBJ audit with our new Audit Manager. We’ll pull over the required files and crosswalk data and let you add additional backup data for each audit requirement.

If you ever get audited, your response file is ready to download and submit.

Current ezPBJ customers will notice a new menu item 6 – Audit Manager. Give us a call or send an email if you want to learn more.

CMS to publicly post PBJ data

In a letter to State Survey Agency Directors, CMS announced it will post facilities’ PBJ data for public viewing starting November 1, 2017.

The Payroll-Based Journal Public Use file will be accessible at https://data.cms.gov/ and initially include January 1 to June 30, 2017 data. It will be updated regularly. PBJ data that will be posted includes:

  • Total hours for nursing services job categories (e.g., registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, nurse aids) for each day in the quarter
  • Facility census for each day in the quarter, as calculated using minimum data set (MDS) submissions

The posted data will be the raw number of hours providers submitted for PBJ reporting, not any calculations of measures. CMS intends to report additional job categories in the future.

New changes to PBJ reporting

Linking employees with multiple employee IDs

CMS will release November 20 a new way to link employee ID’s for situations where facilities change their IDs, as explained in their CMS PBJ Linking Methodology document.

Keep an eye on this for your facility. CMS confirmed they “will calculate rates of tenure and turnover using each employee’s unique identifier (ID).” So if you have one employee reported under two ID’s, it could harm your turnover calculation.

Census reporting optional

To reduce the burden of reporting, CMS will start calculating your PBJ census using MDS data. Therefore, reporting census in the PBJ system is now optional. CMS stresses the importance of facility compliance with the MDS Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) to ensure the MDS census is calculated accurately for PBJ reporting.

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