Thanks for attending the Texas LTC Virtual Symposium! We're excited about the interest. The content will be available for 30 days after the event. To view the recordings and handouts, click the session topics below. If you have any questions, please contact us at marketing@simpleltc.com.
On-Demand Sessions
Your skilled nursing residents — the “seriously ill older adults” — are the most costly individuals insured by Medicare/Medicaid. Regardless of politics, CMS must drive a per-person reduction in their total costs. Provider liability for poor performance will increase. Rod Baird’s opening discussion focuses on how to find opportunity in this rising tide of risk. PDPM addresses a sliver of the total spending for your residents but the requirements for PDPM success also apply to other payment models affecting these individuals (i-SNP/c-SNP, MSSP–ACO, CPC+, Direct Contracting, etc.). How can you forge partnerships with medical groups and Managed Medicare/Medicaid so you can directly benefit from fully integrated care management?
In this engaging keynote, you'll learn the latest strategies for risk-based payment rates, reported quality, real quality, real risk, and financial logic in a capitated payment model.
The financial turmoil accelerated by COVID-19 has created a sense of urgency for senior care operators to consider a more sophisticated reimbursement model. The writing is on the wall for fee-for-service and the only reasonable way out is through risk-bearing options. But the only way to succeed at assuming risk is to be able to manage it well. For SNFs with limited resources, a one-size-fits-all approach is not effective; instead, we need to hone in on the highest risk residents and ensure we focus resources where they have the best possible outcome for all at-risk. This session will help you look toward the future, with comments on the state and progression of viable strategies taken by other Medicare Advantage organizations.
This in-depth session will cover the past and future of the Texas Quality Incentive Payment Program (QIPP) for skilled nursing facilities. Topics will include the status of the Private–NSGO State collaborative partnership, QIPP’s meaningful benefits, and what QIPP 5 might look like beyond September 2021. We will include a detailed Q&A session to discuss scenarios of how QIPP can benefit your facility.
In this session, you’ll learn about the latest updates to SimpleLTC, including Texas Medicaid-specific updates, and other useful tools for Medicare and MDS optimization. Learn how over 1,000 Texas SNFs are optimizing reimbursement, minimizing risk and automating Medicaid processes using the latest SimpleLTC software tools. Join Jason Jones and Nate Hoard as they answer questions and walk through key LTCMI changes, PASRR updates, Medicare and MDS analytics processes, as well as other best practices. We’ll also provide a sneak peek of powerful new analytics tools and partnership integrations coming in the near future.
This detailed session will cover the latest best practices and methodologies for Texas Medicaid payments. Key topics will include an update on the Texas MCO Workgroup, Pandemic Waivers (Medicaid MDS extensions and PASRR 30-day extension), and an update on OIG Utilization Review. Don and other representatives of the Texas Medicaid Coalition (TMC) will also provide a brief overview of TMC, including its history, mission and vision for the future.
This informative session will feature a roundup of the most critical state billing issues currently facing skilled nursing facilities in Texas. Key topics will include: MCO Adjustments, COVID-19 Rate increase, Q coverage from TMHP coinsurance, MAP denials, PASRR habitation therapy and general information. We’ll also highlight specific case studies and address individual attendee questions.
This presentation will cover changes in the Texas long-term care regulatory structure that have occurred as a result of transformation since March 1, 2020. It will also cover Nursing Facility rule and policy changes, related resources, and current trends and concerns related to COVID-19.
Key topics will include:
- HHSC Transformation
- Policy Guidance, Emergency Rules, New World Framework
- Training and Resources
- Rapid Response/Strike Teams Efforts
- Next Steps
PDPM made a major change in how long-term care assigns diagnosis codes and now MDS nurses are struggling with assigning codes correctly. Lisa will discuss resolution to major coding pitfalls and provide guidance on how to improve compliance. Bring your individual coding conundrums and questions and get expert guidance in this session.
This session will focus on the 5 most prevalent PDPM items with the biggest financial and clinical impact currently being missed or at risk for loss. Following thousands of PDPM audits by QRM’s clinical reimbursement, compliance and medical review team members, these top 5 items continue to bubble up. We will dig in with a review of the potential impact as well as helpful tips on where the documentation is being found, how to promote accuracy and mitigate risk. PDPM’s intent is to identify areas in need of clinical attention and to provide reimbursement accordingly. Every penny counts — it’s yours to keep!
For our closing session, a panel of our Symposium’s expert speakers come together to provide insights on industry trends and the future of skilled nursing in Texas. What will be our biggest challenges in the next 1-3 years? How will Texas issues differ from national issues? Where are the biggest growth opportunities? What are the critical next steps every Texas SNF needs to take? Don't miss this insightful discussion.
Note: No handouts for this session...discussion only!