CORE Analytics: Value Based Post-Acute eXchange (VBPAX)

Quantify value and track patient movement using the most up-to-date claims information


Compile your current SNF claims for real-time, comparable and detailed benchmarks: diagnosis, outcomes, ancillary costs, and more.

“Value” is a function of Cost and Quality. Post-acute care drives most of the unexplained cost/spend variability within Medicare episodes of care. “At-risk” stakeholders target SNF utilization as the primary opportunity for savings.

You need current information to proactively create Value. The challenge is that most claims-based solutions on the market only reference the old, public dataset released by CMS. At CORE, our platform uses current Medicare claims submitted by the provider current to the month billed.

Remember: Most “up to date” does not mean current. The CMS LDS Public claims data is 6 to 9 months old and has been commoditized, with dozens of companies selling the same data. Providers have the opportunity with CORE to utilize current information to demonstrate their value proposition and differentiate themselves from their peers.


Quantify value with current claims

CORE compiles current SNF claims each month for real time, comparable and detailed benchmarks: diagnosis, outcomes, ancillary costs, and customizable variables unavailable from any other source.

Performance can be filtered by multiple independent variables including referring hospital/ACO/bundled patient, physician, clinical comorbidities, age/sex, etc.

Much of this information is only contained on the claim files and unlocks the predictive power necessary to quantify both risk and opportunity.

Track patient movement across the continuum

CORE distills national SNF, hospital, physician and home health Medicare referral activity; the same data, on the same schedule, as every other claims-based analytics provider. CORE is priced lower than most LDS competitors – yet CORE includes the same functionality for added value.

While we include the CMS LDS dataset as a value-add to our users, the strength of the platform will always be our current, proprietary database of claim files.


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